Sibling and Child Visitor Admission Rules in Paediatric Patients
Avrupa Şafak Hospital
Sibling and Child Visitor Admission Rules in Paediatric Patients
Paediatric patients can be visited by siblings and friends.

Avrupa Şafak Hospital
Sibling and Child Visitor Admission Rules in Paediatric Patients
A ‘Sibling and Child Visitor Information and Consent Form’ is prepared for child visitors, which informs about the rules to be followed during the visit and the situations that may cause the spread of infectious diseases in the hospital / service and foresees the situations in which the visiting child may be a source of infectious disease, and this form is filled in for child visitors.
This form is given to the parent for pre-planned child visitors and when the patient is brought to the visit, it is received by the nurse in charge of the service and the visit is allowed, or a staff member (nurse or doctor) may allow the visit by filling out the form before the visit.
All paediatric visitors should be questioned about a known infectious disease (such as chickenpox, measles, influenza, etc.) and a history of rash/contacts in the last four weeks before the inpatient visit.
It is not appropriate for children with a history of illness / contact or viral respiratory tract infection (fever, rash, runny nose, cough, etc.) to be visitors in the hospital.
There is no harm in visiting children without any history of contact or active infection.
All visiting children <16 years of age are the responsibility of the accompanying parent or adult for the duration of the visit.
*In the company of at least one adult, they can visit the clinics determined by the hospital management every day and / or on specified days (clinics deemed appropriate by the clinic responsible physician and infection control committee according to clinical processes and patient population) and at a specified time, not exceeding 15 minutes.
Sibling children over the age of 3 may be accompanied by at least one of their parents, with a maximum of two siblings at a time, and may visit the hospital every day and/or on specified days during the visiting hours determined by the hospital management for a period not exceeding 15 minutes.
Visiting children are allowed to enter the unit after ensuring hand hygiene at the entrance.
In case of an outbreak (community/hospital origin), visits may be banned or visiting hours may be changed by the Infection Control Committee and / or the unit supervisor or by the unit supervisor in case of emergency in the unit.
Avrupa Safak Hospital
Sibling Visitor Admission Rules in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
In Neonatal Intensive Care Units, child visit is the visit of the baby’s sibling/siblings.
Sibling children over the age of three may be accompanied by at least one of the mother or father, with a maximum of two siblings at a time, and may visit the hospital every day and/or on specified days at a time determined by the hospital management for a period not exceeding 15 minutes.
For child visitors, a ‘Sibling and Child Visitor Information and Consent Form’ is prepared and filled out for child visitors, which provides information about the rules to be followed during the visit and situations that may cause the spread of infectious diseases in the hospital / service and foresees situations where the visiting child may be a source of infectious diseases. When this form is given to the parent for pre-planned child visitors and brought to the patient visit, it is received by the nurse in charge of the service and the visit is allowed, or an officer (nurse or doctor) may allow the visit by filling out the form before the visit.
The visiting child should not have any symptoms and signs such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, rash and diarrhoea. Must be fully immunised in accordance with the vaccination schedule. There should be no history of rash in the last four weeks.
Visiting children are allowed to enter the unit after washing their hands at the entrance.
During the visit, siblings are not allowed to have physical contact with the baby, such as touching or kissing.
Visiting children are not left alone in the unit and are accompanied by a chaperone.
During periods when Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is intense and in case of any epidemic (community/hospital origin), visits may be banned or visiting hours may be changed by the Infection Control Committee and / or the unit supervisor or by the unit supervisor in case of emergency in the unit.